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Rome is tinged with green – second part

Villas, parks and gardens not to be missed: the Insideat mini-guide Second part

Here we are again Insideaters! We had left ourselves halfway through the exploration of an enchanting, green and somewhat wild Romanity.

If you missed the first part of our mini-guide, you can read it here.
Continuing to discover the most beautiful villas and parks in the city, we have selected five other unmissable gems of Rome’s most fascinating urban greenery.


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With its 181 hectares of greenery, this is the largest villa in Rome, framed by some of the capital’s most prestigious neighborhoods. Walking through the soft hills of the park, it is possible to observe the testimonies of centuries and centuries of history: from the ancient ruins of the Roman and medieval times to the seventeenth century. From the Organ Room to the Arco dei Quattro Venti, the majestic monumental entrance, both made in the 19th century. This immense villa remained until the early twentieth century owned by the Pamphilj family, and then passed to the Municipality of Rome, with the exception of the Casino del Bel Respiro, which is still the seat of representation of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers.

To visit the whole park maybe a whole day is not enough, but you try it: go east if you are intrigued by palaces, fountains and gardens, go west if you want to venture into the wildest and most biodiverse area.

Where is it: Municipio XII, Monteverde – Gianicolense district
Entrances: via di S.Pancrazio, via Aurelia Antica, via Leone XII, largo M. Luther King, via Vitellia, via della Nocetta


Do you remember? We named via Piccolomini in our latest article, telling you about a particular optical effect and a breathtaking view. Well, in addition to the incredible panorama, via Piccolomini hides another wonder, the homonymous Villa Piccolomini, almost always forgotten in favor of the most imposing Villa Pamphilj which is right there in front of it. A secret garden offers an exciting panorama, overlooking the soft cultivated clivia and St. Peter’s Basilica. Unlike the parks and villas mentioned above, Villa Piccolomini is not always open to the public,it is generally rented for weddings and very exclusive parties. However, if you happen to be here, find out about guided tours or extraordinary openings: we guarantee it is worth it !.

Where is it: Municipio XIII, Gianicolense district
Entrances: Via Aurelia Antica, 164


When you say a magical place!

Already in the third century BC Tacitus tells of this spectacular place, nestled on the slopes of the Aventine, where the celebration to the goddess Flora was celebrated in the spring. In the 1950 the modern municipal decided to rebuilt the rose garden, destroyed during the Second World War. The new space are a sign of thanks and memory to the Jewish community. It is characterized by a stele at the entrance to the garden, and the avenues that take the shape of the menorah, the traditional seven-branched candelabrum. Two parts are distinguished in the rose garden: the largest contains a precious collection of botanical roses, both ancient and more recent.

The smaller part welcomes the roses that participate in the “Rome Prize”, an important event dating back to 1933. Over 1,100 species of roses, coming from all over the world, are collected in the municipal rose garden, including bizarre roses with green petals, oddly smelling roses and, incredible but true, roses that change color with the passing of the days.

Walking in the rose garden takes you back to epochs and worlds only imagined, with the panorama of Rome, it is moving even the least romantic.

Where it is: Municipio I, Ripa district
Entrance: Via di Valle Murcia, 6

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Restored in the last twenty years, Villa Sciarra is a fascinating place, full of history and suggestive views.

The Exedra of the Twelve Months is one of the most scenic corners of the villa. Twelve sandstone statues representing the months of the year were placed in a frame of laurel plants and hedges with peculiar shapes. Although the secret gardens that flanked the Casino Barberini have unfortunately disappeared, Villa Sciarra is still full of fabulous imaginations. Sirens, cherubs, satyrs, and the enchanting fountain of Diana and Endymion. Villa Sciarra is so extraordinarily fairytale that after a hundred visits we would like to return again, and again, and again …

Where is it: Municipio I, Rione XIII -Trastevere
Entrances: via Calandrelli, via Dandolo, via delle Mura Gianicolensi


Last stop on our tour of Roman greenery, but certainly not least important: this garden is part of the Japanese Institute of Culture and is a real gem. Indeed, a real work of art, created by the architect Ken Nakajima, the same designer of the Japanese area of ​​the Botanical Garden of Rome. The Sen’en style dates back to the 16th century and has the particularity of connecting and harmonizing a dense network of elements: the rocks, the pond, the waterfall, islets and bridges. Everything has a precise meaning, with a centennial history and a complex system of codes and traditions. For this reason, the Japanese Institute of Culture offers guided tours, free but strictly by reservation, which help entranced spectators to understand the origin and history of such grace. There is little to say, such a place must be admired.

Where is it: Municipio II, Parioli District
Entrance: Via Antonio Gramsci, 74,

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